“The earth is not an inheritance to be disposed of, but a heritage to be transmitted. “
At Sunêlia les Sablons, we attach great importance to the nature that surrounds us. We benefit from 3 ecosystems: the sea with direct access, the pond which is the natural habitat for a large number of birds and the land with a rich and varied vegetation.
Each of these ecosystems is essential. We have a duty to preserve them and restore them to their former strength and diversity. We are continually working to find new solutions and we are investing in their implementation. To go even faster, we need the help of our customers through simple actions of daily life.
Our campsite Sunêlia les Sablons benefits from a Mediterranean vegetation. Since the creation of our pedestrian areas, we have been re-planting a large number of species adapted to our climate.

Our actions
- Creation of car-free, vegetalized districts.
- Census of the plants and birds found in the campsite
- Creation of a permaculture area and educational workshop
- Mini-farm
Your actions
- Preserve the ecosystem by walking only on existing paths
- Prefer cycling or walking for short distances.
Our campsite Sunêlia les Sablons is located above a high-quality water source. Water is precious and we continue to search and implement solutions to limit its consumption.
Our actions
- Reducing the watering of our plants in our pedestrian areas
- Pool water recycling
- Water-saving taps
- Installation of sub-meters for better leak detection
Your actions
- Water is precious, save it!
- Use your containers (glass bottles) at water fountains

All our departments are aware of waste management in order to reduce and recycle waste. From green spaces to catering, we want to continue to limit our impact.

Our actions
- Compost for soil enrichment
- Enrichment of the permaculture area with bio-waste
- Sorting of bio-waste to feed the animals in the mini-farm
- Recycling bin
Your actions
- Use the containers indicated on the map for recycling waste
- Use the bins and ashtrays for your cigarette butts